通晓查询 > 英语单词大全 > 货运车辆的英文是什么


goods stock


wagonage 运货车

trucking 货车运输,货车运输业

truckline 汽车货运线

autotruck 运货卡车

drayage 运货马车运送

drayman 运货马车车夫

voiture 车,车辆

truckway 运货汽车道

plaustral 运货(马)车的

freight 货运,货物

vehiculary 车辆的

horsecar 轨道马车,运马货车

handtruck 手推车,手推运货车

dray 运货马车,一种撬

carload 车辆所载的货物,货车的最低载重量

wainwright 制造运货马车

truck 货车

tumbril 双轮运货车,施肥车

ctge cartage 货车运费

redball <美俚>货运快车,铁路特快货车

carman 运货马车的车夫,电车的车长

waggon 四轮的运货马车

wagon 四轮的运货马车

FreightLiner 集装箱货运列车

trailership (运输载货挂车和卡车的)挂车运载船


freight train 货运车

freight car 运货车厢

hand truck 手推运货车

car tax 车辆税

breakdown van 救援车辆

goods train 货物列车

breakdown lorry 救援车辆

goods stock 货运车辆

entrance door (车辆)进口门

impounding fee [法] 车辆扣留费

delivery van 厢式送货车,送货车

returned cargo 退运货物

freight bill 运货单,运费单

personnel carrier 运兵车,兵员运输车

overland freight 陆运货运

freight liner [经] 货运班轮,直达列车

gondola car 无盖货车,敞车

embargo list [经] 禁运货单

air freighter [机] 货运飞机

dumper truck 自卸货车,翻斗车

carriage note [经] 运(取)货证

delivering carrier [经] 交货承运人

box car tariff [经] 篷车运费率

cargo unitization [经] 成组化货运

cattle car 运畜拖车


Research of Highway Freight Vehicle Operating Cost Based on Vehicles Axle Type Classification

The result shows that freight vehicles can interfere traffic flow on freeways and impose threat on road safety: while the proportion of freight vehicles increases, the mean running speed decreases; however, the lane changing rate and accident rate go upward.

Through mixing different proportions of freight vehicles into traffic flow, the CA Model simulated the traffic conditions under various conditions, analyzed the relationship among freight vehicles and several indexes representing safety state, such as the running speed, lane change rate as well as accident rate.

The present conditions of increasing axle load for railway freight cars in Europe are described.

According to the definition of freight vehicle dispatching, the essay studies the vehicle dispatching of single freight-delivery point to multiple freight-receiving points.

In these freight vehicles, 3-piece bogie and frame bogie still are the two main bogies in common use.

To achieve heavy freight railway vehicle dynamic control, this paper use wavelet packet decomposition and support vector machine fault diagnosis algorithm.

The toll calculation mode of freight vehicles of Liaoning expressway, which is converted from toll-by-type to toll by total weight of vehicle and goods calculated practically is introduced.

The systemic study on the theory and method of VSP is the base on the growth of logistic intensivism, the establishment of modem chain of command, the development of ITS and EC.
