通晓查询 > 英语单词大全 > 外币业务的英文是什么


agiotage 汇兑业务,货币兑换,证券投机

fieldman 外务员

itinerancy 外勤公务

assignment 作业,任务

offshoring 离岸外包

extraofficial 职务以外的,职权外的

FIEs foreign-invested enterprises 外资企业

transaction 交易,业务,事务

telebanking 电脑化银行业务

cambistry 汇兑学,汇兑业务

shoresman (渔业等海上事业的)陆上业务人员

chairwarmer 不务正业者,懒虫

walla 要人,经办业务人

wallah 要人,经办业务人

xenocurrency (在原发行国域外流通的)国外货币

agentry 代理人业务(或职责)

newsheet 单张报纸,业务通讯

specie 硬币

supererogatory 额外的,超出职务的

valuta 币值,可使用的外汇总值

peso 比索(一种外国货币单位)

mintage 铸币,硬币,臆造

shinplaster 纸币,乱发纸币

factorage 代理商业务,手续费

isdn 综合业务数字网络


arbitrage of exchange 外汇套购,套汇业务

service industry 服务行业

fiduciary work 信托业务

custodian service 保管业务

foreign currency operations [网络]外币业务; 外汇业务

fiducial business [经] 信托业务

wholesale business 批发业务

credit operations 信贷业务

accommodation line 通融受保业务

engagement memorandum 业务备忘录

denominated in foreign currency [经] 用外币标价

offshore banking unit 境外金融业务单位,境外银行单位

centralization of business [经] 业务(商业,营业)的集中

sphere of business [经] 营业范围,业务范围

underwriting year [经] 保险业务年度

documentary credit operation [经] 跟单信用状业务

clearing house service [经] 票据交换所业务

promotional allowance discount 业务推广奖励折扣

counterfeit coin 伪币,伪铸币

overseas debt [法] 外债

wholesale banking 对同业及大客户的大金额银行业务

window service [计] 窗口业务

retail banking 小额银行[存放]业务

overseas business 海外业务

out-out business 外围业务


Accounting Treatment of Foreign Exchange Business

Some tellers specialize in handling foreign currencies, or commercial or business accounts.

According to some related agreements of WTO, limitation on foreign currency business, national currency business, business permission card and so on for foreign capital banks will be cancelled gradually in our country after China join in WTO.
