通晓查询 > 英语单词大全 > 生产性固定资产的英文是什么


prolificacy 生产力,多产

productivity 生产率,生产力

production 生产

bourgeoisie 资产阶级

quickassets 速动资产

polarization 产生极性

geniture 产生,诞生

embourgeoisement 变成资产阶级,资产阶级化

inbreed 生育,生产

procreation 生产,生殖

naissance 诞生,产生

assets 资产

producibility 可生产

engender 产生

generative 能生产的,有生产力的

nonproductive 非生产性的,对生产无直接关系的

fixity 固定性,固定物,不变性

toxinogeny 产毒性

scalarly 产生纯量地,产生数量地,产生无向量地

rootage 生根,固定

bechance 使发生,产生

photocoagulating 产生激光凝固的

autogeneration 自动产生

prolificness 多产性

mass-produce 大量生产


productive assets 生产资产

intangible fixed assets 无形固定资产

appreciation of fixed assets [经] 固定资产增值

unproductive capital 非生产性资本

earning assets 生利资产,有收益资产

productive wages [经] 生产工资

producer capital [经] 生产资本

reproducible assets 可再生产的资产

producer's goods [法]生产资料

revaluation surplus of fixed assets [经] 固定资产重估价盈余

capitalistic production [经] 资本主义生产,资本密集生产

intangible asset 无形资产

total assets 总资产

dead assets 死资产,无用资产,报废资产

miscellaneous assets 杂项资产

asset swap 资产互换

productive task 生产任务,生产性任务

wasting assets 损耗资产

production run 生产(性)运行

realty tax [法] 不动产税,房地产税

immaterial assets 名义资产

appreciation in asset value 资产增值

fictitious assets 虚假资产

donated assets 捐赠资产

diminishing assets 递耗资产


stock of capital goods

Expenditure for Purchasing Productive Fixed Assets

Farmer is purchased agricultural if what the watch shows, productivity fixed assets and place hold proportion.

But there were still some restraints in the regional economic development, that is, not enough investment and a serious loss of fixed productive assets.

Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Fixed Assets Investment and Income Increase of Rural Household

The proportion of tertiary industry, proportion of non-productive benefits of investment in fixed assets have a close positive correlation to welfare index.
