通晓查询 > 英语单词大全 > 备用外汇资金的英文是什么


reserved foreign currencies、reserved foreign currency


bankroll 资金

stand-by [计] 备用设备,准备,备用

valuta 币值,可使用的外汇总值

financing 筹措资金

underfunded 资金不足的

stockpile (原料,食品等的)储备,准备急用的备用原料或物资,贮存

preemergency [计] 备用,备急,辅助

FIEs foreign-invested enterprises 外资企业

refund 资金偿还

stepney 备用轮胎

surcoat 外套,女用外衣

standby 备用品

moneyman 金融家,投资者

R.F. rate of flow (资金等)流速

mantua 女用外套

illiquid 非现金的,无流动资金的

cash 现金

fundraiser 资金筹集活动

finances 资金,经费

outpensioner 院外领年金者

underfund 对…提供资金不足

remuda 加鞍备用马群

overcrust 用外壳覆盖

bankrolls 资金( bankroll的名词复数 )

remittance 汇款


foreign exchange fund 外汇资金

exchange fund 外汇基金,交换证券基金

foreign exchange assets 外汇资产

expendable fund 备用基金,可消费资金

foreign exchange rate 外汇汇率,外汇率

outflow of capital [经] 资金外流

reserved foreign currencies 备用外汇资金

reserved foreign currency 备用外汇资金

offshore funds [经] 离岸资金

foreign exchange quotation 外汇价目表,外汇行情表,外汇牌价

outflow of foreign exchange [法] 外汇外流

imprest fund 定额备用金

exchange tax 外汇税

foreign exchange control 外汇管制

imprest cash 定额备用现金

leeway investment 用多余资金投资,顺应需要的投资

exchange equalization fund [经] 汇兑平衡基金

exchange rate quotation 外汇牌价

foreign exchange policy 外汇政策

foreign exchange bank 外汇银行

exchange rate fluctuations 外汇汇率波动

foreign exchange budget 外汇预算

contingency reserve 应急储备金

exchange dealer 外汇经纪人,外汇交易商

exchange rate parity [经] 外汇平价
