通晓查询 > 英语单词大全 > 经营外汇业务的英文是什么


cambistry 汇兑学,汇兑业务

walla 要人,经办业务人

wallah 要人,经办业务人

cambist 外汇经营者,各国度量衡、币比较表,兑换商

mortmain 永久营业,永久营业的土地

ranching 经营大牧场

fieldman 外务员

agiotage 汇兑业务,货币兑换,证券投机

neurotrophy 神经营养

deploitation 开拓,经营

management 经营

itinerancy 外勤公务

ectotropic 体外营养的,外生的

epineurium 神经外膜,神经外衣

operate 经营

assignment 作业,任务

hotelkeeper 旅馆经营者

diversifier 分散经营者

ectotrophic 体外营养的,外生的

comanagement 共同经营(指工人参与企业管理)

outlie 露营,放在…外面

brokage 代理人[中间人]业务,经纪业,付给经纪人的手续费

broking 经纪业,掮客业

offshoring 离岸外包

stockbrokerage 证券经纪商的业务,证券交易


arbitrage of exchange 外汇套购,套汇业务

carry on business [经] 营业

doing business 经营商业

engage in all kinds of foreign exchange operations 经营外汇业务经营外汇业务

centralization of business [经] 业务(商业,营业)的集中

foreign exchange broker 外汇经纪人

foreign exchange rate 外汇汇率,外汇率

exchange dealer 外汇经纪人,外汇交易商

operating cost 营业费用,营业成本

exchange rate parity [经] 外汇平价

sphere of business [经] 营业范围,业务范围

operating book [经] 营业帐簿

gross operating spread [经] 营业毛利

foreign exchange quotation 外汇价目表,外汇行情表,外汇牌价

proceeds of business [经] 营业收入

outflow of foreign exchange [法] 外汇外流

exchange tax 外汇税

foreign exchange control 外汇管制

fiducial business [经] 信托业务

banking day [经] 银行营业日

earned profit [经] 经营利润,已获利润,营业内利润

foreign exchange fund 外汇资金

diversification consortium [经] 多种经营国际财团(企业)

exchange rate quotation 外汇牌价

foreign exchange policy 外汇政策


Financial institutions duly authorized for foreign exchange operations shall never operate beyond the approved business scope.

And get a new License for Undertaking Foreign Exchange Business as prescribed.

Financial institutions of deposit refers to banks and non-bank financial institutions having a foreign exchange business license.

The State Administration of Foreign Exchange Control shall be responsible for the issuance of the licence for business operations in foreign exchange.

On the State-owned Commercial Banks Foreign Exchange Policy After China s Accession to the WTO; and get a new License for Undertaking Foreign Exchange Business as prescribed.

He further noted that domestic and foreign banks, and financial institutions could engage in forex business, with the approval of the PBC.

Article 16 A contractual joint venture shall, by presenting its business license, open a foreign exchange account with a bank or any other financial institution which is permitted by the exchange control authorities of the state to conduct transactions in foreign exchange.
