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working power supply

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working (涉及)工作的

supply 提供,供应(量)

working-hours 工作时间

self-working 自我工作

working-out n. 规划;制订;作成;算出

wonder-working [网络]创造奇迹的

working-classization n. 工人阶级化

flexi-working 灵活工作方式
任何一种不是周一到周五都到办公室上班、朝九晚五的工作方式都算是 flexi-working,灵活工作制

hot-working 【参见】hot-work

water-supply n. 供水;给水;供水系统;给水(量);

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power supply 供电;动力供应;电源

field power supply 场激励电源,励磁电源

satellite power supply 卫星电源

power supply equipment 电源设备

flyback power supply [网络]反激式电源; 回扫电源

major power supply 主电源

b-power supply 阳极电源

industrial power supply [网络]工业电源; 工业型电源供应器; 工业级电源

rated power supply 额定电源[供电]

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The paragraph about hardware introduces the theory and design process of the control circuit, working power supply, display module, sampling module, communication module and protective circuit.

How to obtain working power supply from high voltage side of active electronic current transformer ( ECT) is the key link impacting the reliability and accuracy of the instrument transformer.

The elegant design guarantees that when the rotating device is running, the working power supply of the vibration motor is normal input and the knotting of the wires is prevented.

Technology of Langmuir probe was studied to built the Langmuir probe and Emissive probe MPT plume diagnostics system including Langmuir probe and Emissive probe working power supply system Langmuir probe Emissive probe and data collection and analyzed system.

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