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automatic sanding

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automatic sanding相似单词更多>

sanding 砂纸打磨

automatic 自动的

semi-automatic adj. 半自动的

partial-automatic 半自动的

interval-automatic 间歇自动

non-automatic adj. 非自动的

automatic sanding相似短语更多>

sanding vehicle 撒沙车

sanding apparatus 砂打机具

sanding equipment 撒砂设备

dry sanding 干法珩磨[研磨]

sanding agent 研磨剂

drum sanding 辊筒磨光

sanding sealer 掺砂涂料

sanding electrovalve 撒沙电阀

belt sanding 砂带打磨

automatic sanding造句更多>

In order to obtain the sand sample of good uniformity and high repeatability, a set of automatic sanding equipment is developed. A series of tests are conducted to study the relative density on the influence of sand flow rate and drop height with Fujian standard sand.

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