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crash land

单词发音:英音[ ˈkræʃ lænd ]    美音[ ˈkræʃ lænd ]


v. (使)强行着陆; (使)紧急降落

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crash-land (使)紧急降落

crash 撞车

crash-dive v. 俯冲坠毁

crash-landing 坠毁着陆

gate-crash 擅自入场,无票入场,闯入

crash-dived v. 急速地潜航

crash-dives 碰撞潜水

crash-lands 坠机地

crash-landed 坠毁着陆

crash-diving v. 急速地潜航

crash land相似短语更多>

crash landing 摔机着陆

crash to 坠毁到

crash bar [体]防护杆

fatal crash [医]机毁人亡(事故)

financial crash 金融危机

helicopter crash 直升机碰撞

crash boat 救生艇

car crash [网络]车祸; 撞车; 撞车事故

crash axe 坠机斧头

crash land造句更多>

So an airplane can overshoot the runway and crash land.

And I was forced to crash-land on the nearest planet.

The cables will then be cut with explosives, the descent stage will fly off and crash land elsewhere, and Curiosity will begin its mission.

National assets plummeted, banks 'bad debt surge, the stock crash land, sluggish consumption, the reduction in prices of the situation has been lingering pessimism has become a common phenomenon in Japanese society.

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